How to read a sensus water meter
How to read a sensus water meter

how to read a sensus water meter

Visually Reading Sensus ICE Registers Gallons Registers As you can see on the drawings of the register faces, ICE registers, whether for indicating gallons, cubic feet or cubic meters, have eight odometer wheels. If public service tickets in units of 100 cubic feet, they would read this meter as simply 817. Visually Reading Sensus ICE Registers for Large Meters As you can see on the photographs of the register faces, ICE register, whether for indicating gallons, cubic feet or cubic meters, have eight odometer wheels. The most common meter used at residential customers' homes is the 5/8" meter by Sensus.

how to read a sensus water meter

Be sure to look for the decimal point when reading (see Photo 1). Getting to know your iPERL meter Your iPERL meter display contains important information… 1. The TouchReader+ uses Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) technology to electronically read an individual meter on the Digital water meter: Has an attached communication device that allows readings to be recorded remotely, which is then sent directly to the water supplier for billing purposes. The top section of the capsule usually provides a digital reading that is represented by a six digit number. The meter must be protected from pressure surges. There are 9 digits / bars on the Sensus iPERL meter at the top of the digital display. We offer industry-leading SmartPoint® modules that read and store data at residential and commercial meters and Peter Sullivan of Bermad Water Technologies shows us how easy it is to do a drive-by meter reading using the iPerl Smart Water-Meter.

How to read a sensus water meter how to#

How To Read Your Water Meter/Remote –Master Meter/Digital Remote 1. To check for a potential leak, look for the rightmost digit to be incrementing (assuming all water to the home is off). Sensus Meter-If you have a possible leak then the numbers after the decimal will be moving. This is the reading used for billing purposes. Locate meter box and open lid: Inside the box, there will be a hockey puck sized component that has “Sensus” written on the top.

How to read a sensus water meter